Monday, 30 March 2020

BCIA Certification Biofeedback Seminars

How can you determine if the biofeedback provider you are considering visiting is qualified?
One good way is to get a personal referral.  If you know someone who has had success with a biofeedback provider for a similar problem as your own then there is a good chance that you may also get good results and be happy with them too.  There are other things that you can do to get an idea as to their qualifications.  One of the best ways to determine qualification is to find out if the provider is BCIA certified.  What is the BCIA?  BCIA stands for Biofeedback Certification International Alliance.
The BCIA is the organization that establishes the rules for and provides certification in biofeedback and neurofeedback.  Here is their mission: “BCIA certifies individuals who meet education and training standards in biofeedback and progressively recertifies those who advance their knowledge through continuing education.”
They set the standards for who can become certified and the process that applicants need to go through to qualify for certification.  The requirements include minimum prior education, anatomy and physiology, specific biofeedback education, personal experience doing biofeedback on oneself and on others, mentoring of an experienced biofeedback professional, and an exam.
This is a serious process that many providers who are not as serious are not willing to go through.  The time and expense discourages them from going through what it takes to gain BCIA certification.  This does not automatically make a person who does not have BCIA certification not qualified to provide biofeedback but it makes it less likely that they are.
The specific biofeedback education is usually done in seminars.  There are some universities that offer biofeedback education but that is not widespread.  Usually what happens is a psychologist, social worker, mental health, chiropractor, or other health care provider learns about biofeedback and decides that they want to add it to what they do.  They attend a biofeedback training seminar that is accredited by the BCIA (not all are).  Next, they get their equipment and begin doing their practice sessions while working with a mentor to help them improve their abilities.  They study for and then take the BCIA exam.   Just attending the biofeedback seminar is not enough.  A student really needs to study in order to pass the exam.  This whole process can take anywhere from six months to two years.
The BCIA certification differentiates the serious practitioner from one who might just buy the equipment, read a book, and start advertising the service.
Just going through the whole BCIA certification process from attending the biofeedback training seminar through passing the exam helps to make the provider more qualified to provide services.  It takes a certain level of dedication to complete all of the requirements
For more information on biofeedback and neurofeedback visit:

Friday, 27 March 2020

Human Physiology

Biosource Software offers a $150 self-paced Human Physiology online didactic course that fulfills BCIA’s Anatomy and Physiology requirement for Biofeedback certification.
If you are pursuing Neurofeedback certification, you will need our Physiological Psychology course, instead.
Since your time is valuable, this course focuses on the topics important for biofeedback professionals.
Disclaimer: To keep these products affordable, they do not provide AMA or APA continuing education credit.
Based on the leading Human Physiology (15th ed.) textbook by Fox, this course covers:
Chapter 1: The Study of Body Function
Chapter 2: Chemical Composition of the Body
Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Genetic Control
Chapter 4: Enzymes and Energy
Chapter 5: Cell Respiration and Metabolism
Chapter 6: Interactions Between Cells and the Extracellular Environment
Chapter 7: The Nervous System
Chapter 8: The Central Nervous System
Chapter 9: The Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 10: Sensory Physiology
Chapter 11: Endocrine Glands
Chapter 12: Muscle
Chapter 13: Blood, Heart and Circulation
Chapter 14: Cardiac Output, Blood Flow, and Blood Pressure
Chapter 15: The Immune System
Chapter 16: Respiratory Physiology
Chapter 17: Physiology of the Kidneys
Chapter 18: The Digestive System
Chapter 19: Regulation of Metabolism
Chapter 20: Reproduction
Related Products for BCIA Biofeedback Certification
Biofeedback Tutor is an online multimedia tutorial that provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review of biofeedback for BCIA certification preparation and professional education. Biofeedback Tutor satisfies 42 hours of didactic credit, including 3 hours of Professional Standards credit, for BCIA’s Biofeedback certification. $125.
Biofeedback100 is a multiple choice testing service that provides an up-to-date and extensive review of the Blueprint for the BCIA Certification Exam in Biofeedback. Biosource Software has developed a professionally-written question pool that exceeds 500 questions and is based on the current BCIA Blueprint of Knowledge and Core Reading List. $75.
Human Physiology $150
Buy Now - Human Physiology

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Mind Body Seminars

Although more people are now interested in mind body techniques like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga, there is still a great lack of clarity as to what the real effects of these techniques are.  It is also often difficult to know if a person practicing a technique is doing it correctly or getting the maximum benefit they can from it.
Several months ago, I was at a university in New York city visiting a meditation group.  The two people who were leading the group were interested in using EEG biofeedback equipment to measure the brainwave activity of people who were meditating.  They were interested in comparing the EEG activity of a novice meditator with that of a very experienced one.  This is one example of how technology can be used in combination with mind body techniques.  The idea was to see if there is a difference in what is going on in the brain while a person is meditating and does that vary depending on their experience level.
If a person attends a seminar to learn how to meditate, they might be doing their best to follow imagery instructions given by the teacher and may have difficulty experiencing what is being described.  They might also have many distracting and intrusive thoughts. During the training a person’s mind might be distracted and, or their body might be holding tension.  With biofeedback or neurofeedback instruments, evidence of this could be measured and used to help train the person more effectively.
If you are going to conduct any kind of mind body seminar it just makes sense to at least be able to demonstrate the changes that occur in the brain (EEG) as well as the body (biofeedback – breathing, muscle tension, heart rate, sweat, and skin temperature).  The whole program doesn’t necessarily need to incorporate technology but it can be helpful and instructive to both the students and teacher of the class.  Learning how to use this type of technology can be helpful for anyone who teaches any kind of seminars related to mind body work.  It also can be used as an intervention itself.  Biofeedback and Neurofeedback are interventions that use the technology and education therapeutically for symptoms including headaches, insomnia, anxiety, depression, ADHD, and pain.  They are an excellent adjunct for people who teach diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, autogenic relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness as well as other mind body techniques.
For more information on biofeedback and neurofeedback visit:

Thursday, 12 March 2020


Our new style of seminar is designed to teach clinicians biofeedback fundamentals and cutting-edge applications. For better use of your time, the seminar will be a combination of 3-day classroom, home study and web-based training.

BRI Seminars Registration Form

Send payments to:
Biofeedback Resources International
109 Croton Ave, 2nd Fl, #5

Ossining, NY 10562-5102

FAX: 914-762-2281

Please fill out the following and return. Print all information
Name as you would like it for the certification with any initials or credentials

Biofeedback Bcia Program  Date: - 

March 27-29, 2020 – Hawthorne, NY
June 26-28, 2020 – Elmsford, NY
July 12-14, 2020 – Houston, TX
Oct 9-11, 2020 – Elmsford, NY

Price : $1195


Online Registration

Watch youtube video :
Learn about onsite training options

Learn about online biofeedback training and mentoring

Website :

Friday, 6 March 2020

New York Mental Health Counselors Association

Transitions and Transformations in Counseling and Counselor Education

Convention Schedule

Friday, April 3rd

   Registration & Check-in--------------------------------------11 AM
   Exhibits Open---------------------------------------------------3 PM
   Pre-convention Workshops:----------------------------------3 - 6 PM and  2- 6 PM
   State of the Profession Panel & Dessert Reception------7:30 - 9 pm

Saturday, April 4th

Free Yoga class ---------------------------------------------------------7 AM
Optional Breakfast Buffet --------------------------------------------7 AM - 8:30 AM
Convention Morning Sessions Begin---------------------------------9 AM
Coffee Break-------------------------------------------------------------10 AM
Luncheon/Awards/Keynote Address---------------------------------12 - 2 PM
Poster Sessions-----------------------------------------------------------2 - 2:45 PM
Afternoon Sessions Begin----------------------------------------------2:45 PM
Coffee Break-------------------------------------------------------------3:30 PM
NYACES Meeting for counselor educators--------------------------4:15 PM
Convention Sessions and Exhibits Close ---------------------------5:30 PM
Counselor Educator Meeting------------------------------------------5:30 - 7 PM
Student Forum/Panel Discussion-------------------------------------5:30 - 7 PM
Social/Networking Event-----------------------------------------------8:30 - 10 PM

Sunday, April 5th

Mindful Meditation Session -------------------------------------------7 AM
Optional Breakfast Buffet ---------------------------------------------7 AM - 8:30 AM
Convention Morning Sessions Begin ---------------------------------9  AM
Convention Closes-------------------------------------------------------12 Noon

Keynote Speaker:  Barry Litt, MFT

Keynote Address: The Foundations of Dialogue: A Client-Centered Approach

We all know that building rapport and establishing dialogue is a necessary ingredient in counseling, but what is it made out of? It is often assumed that clinicians

just know intuitively what that looks like, but often we don’t. In this keynote address, Barry Litt breaks down dialogue to its elemental components and reveals the

universal foundations of dialogue and trust.

Barry Litt received his Masters degree in Family Therapy in Philadelphia where he studied contextual therapy with is founder, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy. Barry is an EMDRIA

Approved Consultant.  He has authored three chapters in as many books plus a journal article on the integration of EMDR with couples and family therapy, has presented

workshops at numerous conferences and provided many workshop trainings to international audiences. Barry is dedicated to advancements in theoretical integration and

technical innovation in EMDR therapy.

Watch Youtube Video:

For More information click here: New York Mental Health Counselors Association

Event Date: April 3-5th, 2020 Convention Information

Event Registration link: