Friday, 29 March 2019

Neurofeedback Training For Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain injuries can be caused in many different ways. Whether they are diagnosed or not can depend on how severe they are, where they happen, who is around when they happen, and whether the injured person seeks medical care. Some of the sources of brain injuries include car accidents, sports injuries, slip and falls, physical fights and assaults among other things. When the brain is injured the electrical activity and function of the brain is affected. Neurofeedback training is a way to help to normalize the electrical activity of the brain which in turn helps improve function.

Some of the problems that may develop with a head injury include problems with memory, difficulty focusing, anger, and diminished self-control. Some of these problems are similar to what normal teenagers struggle with. This is often attributed to incomplete development of the front of the brain.

Interestingly, many people who suffer these symptoms also show abnormal EEG when tested with neurofeedback equipment. One of the patterns that is common is high amplitude delta and theta in the frontal areas of the brain. This seems to interfere with normal functioning and can be part of the cause of some of the symptoms. By using neurofeedback equipment to measure and feedback EEG information on a computer screen clients can learn to regulate their brain activity. After a series of training the EEG is often normalized and symptoms decreased.

Besides rest, there are relatively few effective treatments for brain injury. Neurofeedback training seems to be a good non-invasive therapy for brain injury.

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Sunday, 24 March 2019

Neurofeedback Training,New York

Neurofeedback training is available from many providers in some parts of New York but still is not widely available in other parts of the state. Manhattan has several providers. There are some in Westchester County and others in Long Island and Queens. They are much more rare in other areas like Upstate New York.

Some resources for finding providers include the Northeast Regional Biofeedback Society (, The Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback ( and the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance ( Each website has a listing of providers that you can search by region. These can be an excellent resource for people looking for providers of neurofeedback training in New York as well as for professionals considering becoming a provider. They can see where there is more competition and where there is more need and opportunity.

Neurofeedback training can be provided by licensed medical and mental healthcare providers who have the proper additional education and experience. The best evidence for qualification is certification by BCIA (Biofeedback Certification International Alliance) which establishes requirements including education, experience, mentoring, and examination.  In addition to prerequisite education applicants also need to complete a 36 hour course in neurofeedback that trains them in all of the necessary basic information they should know to provide neurofeedback. They also need to evidence that they have completed a course in neuroanatomy.

The experience portion requires the applicant to complete 100 sessions of neurofeedback on clients and 10 on themselves plus review of the experience work with an experienced mentor. This process gives the applicant a much better chance of being successful at providing neurofeedback training to their clients.

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Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Do you offer online training?

For almost thirty years we have been assisting practitioners in getting the training they need in order to be successful in biofeedback. However, there have been others who simply could not afford to come to our seminars (we have many international clients). Also, there are those who want to get a good grounding in biofeedback before they come to the seminars. Others who want to be able to review the science as preparation for taking the BCIA exam or just to learn more. Finally, there are those who want to get basic training in order to learn enough to make a sound judgment as to whether they are ready to commit to more in depth training and the travel etc. required to attend the seminars.

We offer three, free online introductory courses: Introduction to General Biofeedback, Introduction to EEG Biofeedback, and Introduction to MindFitness Training. In addition, we offer:

The ONLINE BIOFEEDBACK BOOTCAMP© provides an outstanding solution for all of these categories of clients. This course delivers the opportunity to obtain excellent training at extremely low cost. This ONLINE BOOTCAMP is estimated to be equivalent to 10 hours of the didactic portion of our BCIA Certification training seminar (BCIA accreditation pending).

More Info: neurofeedback training Florida

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Introduction and Frequently Asked Questions

In order to make your visit as time efficient as possible we are using a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) format so you can go directly to the questions of primary interest. Please, most FAQ’s relate to all three types of Certifications – General, EEG and Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction (PMD) – and some relate to a specific type of Certification:

Erik Peper, Ph.D, Tenured Faculty, Director of the Institute of Healing Studies, San Francisco State University, Director of the Biofeedback and Family Therapy Institute, Berkeley. Past President of BSA. Author of MIND/BODY INTEGRATION, FROM THE INSIDE OUT, CREATING WHOLENESS and HEALTHY COMPUTING THROUGH USING BIOFEEDBACK writes:

“Ever since our first meeting in 1971, I have been impressed by your integrity, perseverance and skill in developing, supporting and servicing both portable (personal use) and computerized biofeedback systems. I am extremely satisfied with your service – every time we needed support. YOUR ORGANIZATION CAME THROUGH 100 PERCENT . Your policy of handling all biofeedback computer systems and instruments is extremely helpful for the practitioner. With the wide variety of equipment, and broad experience. you can design a system that is appropriate and least expensive for the practitioner. For me, your suggestions have always been helpful. I truly feel that you have put the long term perspective- developing biofeedback and self-regulation as a field-over a quick profit. Those of us who have been devoted to biofeedback learning from the beginning are keenly aware of the special dedication and immense investment required to create, sustain and build a biofeedback technology, training and service organization. It is your standards of excellence. cost containment, and training capabilities that provide benefits for your clients and their thousands of patients. I look forward to consulting with you on enhancing peak performance strategies at work and at play. Hopefully. my past experience as the behavioral scientist for the United States Rhythmic Gymnastic Team and other performers will enrich your program. In addition I am excited to share with you my newest findings on breathing and teaching our nonpharmacological approach for the treatment of asthma to therapists and biofeedback professionals.”

More Info: Biofeedback Certification Training

Friday, 1 March 2019

Psychotherapy Networker Symposium

For 42 years, the Networker Symposium has been psychotherapy’s essential gathering, with 150 workshops, a faculty of over 100 of the field’s leading contributors, and 4,000 of its most creative and inquiring practitioners. Join leading innovators from around the world to explore how the latest advances in the field have expanded our vision of therapeutic transformation—and discover a new range of possibilities to bring fresh ideas and renewed creativity into your practice. Plus get up to a year’s worth of CE hours.

This year’s featured speakers include: Malcolm Gladwell, Bessel van der Kolk, Daniel Siegel, Susan Johnson, Gabor Maté, and Mary Pipher.
Come visit us in the exhibit hall

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More Info: Biofeedback Training New York