Wednesday, 30 January 2019

360 Suite | EEG biofeedback

The 360 suite is a complete package of physiological monitoring and self-regulation tools designed for health care professionals who want to incorporate psychophysiological methods into their practice. The suite combines classic physiological biofeedback (arousal and peripheral temperature) with heart rate variability training (HRV) and neurofeedback protocols (EEG biofeedback) into one integrated package.

The suite’s broad selection of tools includes:
  • Specialized physiological assessments
  • Self-regulation training screens
  • Biofeedback assisted relaxation therapy sessions
Suite content

The 360 Suite was designed with a number of priorities in mind, all intended to help you integrate biofeedback and neurofeedback methods into your practice with ease.

Easy to understand and use: The 360 Suite doesn’t assume a high level of experience with physiological monitoring and biofeedback equipment. Predefined Quick Start sessions allow you to get up and running within minutes. A complete reference manual helps you learn how to use the hardware and software without difficulty.

Clinically relevant: The 360 Suite is designed from a clinical perspective and its biofeedback and neurofeedback tools are arranged and organised in a way that parallels clinical thinking. This makes locating the best tool for the task as intuitive as possible and greatly reduces the initial learning curve.
Organised by body system: Based on your client’s presenting complaint, you can determine what body system is most affected and pick the appropriate assessment and self-regulation tool for the task.


Five key body systems are covered with the 360’s assessment and self-regulation tools. All you need to do is what you’re already good at: discuss your client’s symptoms and goals. Based on their situation, select the appropriate system and we take care of the fest with tailored evaluation and training.


BioGraph Infiniti 360 includes the most clinically oriented suite we’ve ever offered. The suites tools are categorized and customized by body system: Respiratory. Cardiovascular. Central nervous system (CNS). autonomic nervous system (ANS). and Muscular. Based on the clients condition, you select the affected system and the 360 points you in the right direction for your intervention. 


  • Based on published research compiled by AAPB.
  • Examine breathing, heart rate variability. arousal. skin temperature. muscle tension. EEG. and/or passive infrared HEG.
  • Engage your client with movies or online video content.
  • Available as starter, intermediate. or expert systems.
More Info: Neurofeedback Equipment

Sunday, 27 January 2019

What are the requirements for certification?

Go to our seminar and training description. If you have further questions please call or email us. The training described therein serve both for certification and non-certification training purposes. The BCIA Certification Training Series is an outstanding solution to the challenge BCIA certification candidates face acquiring the necessary didactic instruction and mentored training in the most economic and time efficient way. Our complete certification training programs meet all didactic and mentored training criteria required by the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America in order to take the certification exams. It is based on the BCIA blueprint for certification and recertification, and participants receive certificates for each seminar completed. Note we are fully qualified to do BCIA mentoring and some of the mentoring requirements are provided within our seminars at a fraction of the normal mentoring cost. However, the balance of the mentoring should be with the mentor that best suits your learning goals and circumstances. We can usually assist you in finding that mentor. Of course, often that mentor is part of our team.

For over 19 years we have been aggressively attempting to persuade the BCIA to make it easier and less expensive to get certified. We are encouraged because the BCIA board has made major steps in that direction. The expense and difficulty of getting BCIA certified has been substantially reduced and simplified by the board and we have, therefore, modified our seminars in order to immediately pass all of those advantages on to you.

Visit Our Website: Mind Body Seminars

Realted Blog:   Neurofeedback Equipment

Monday, 21 January 2019

What training does Health Training Seminars Offer?

We are a full service Biofeedback and Applied Psychophysiology training and consulting organization. Besides the BCIA General and EEG biofeedback Clinical Certification programs we also can show you how to obtain the new PMD Certification. We offer Performance and Life Enhancement (MindFitness® Training), coaching, online training, internships, BCIA mentoring and consulting. We consult and mentor using the Internet Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP). We conduct two way video transmission and can even (with your permission) take over control of your computer should you need it for learning or tech support.

 Visit Our Website: Mind Body Seminars

Related Blog:   Neurofeedback Equipment

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Neurofeedback Training History in Houston

The state of Texas has played an important role in neurofeedback. Several of the important early pioneers have come from or done much of their work in Texas. Neurofeedback began to become popular once the ADHD and substance abuse protocols became popular following research by Joel Lubar on ADHD and Eugene Peniston and Paul Kulkosky on substance abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, PTSD.

 As I remember a lot of activity started around 1989. Adam Crane, who I used to work for, and a team that he assembled designed and manufactured a neurofeedback system called the CapScan. Some of the names that I remember who bought some of the early systems and began training and providing neurofeedback services include Genie Bodenhamer-Davis, Ph.D. Director, University of North Texas Neurotherapy Program, Bob Dickson – Open Door Mission, Houston, TX, Nancy White, Psychologist, PhD. I had the opportunity to provide technical support for some. Some of the growth was around providers who were using the substance abuse protocols to help people who were affected by the cocaine and crack cocaine epidemic that was happening at the time.

Since Houston is home of the Texas Medical Center which includes many of the best in medical care including Baylor College of Medicine, CHI Saint Luke’s Health, Harris Health System, and Houston Methodist, it is an ideal place for finding and cultivating new providers.

Visit Our Website: Behavioral health seminars

Read More Blog: Neurofeedback training Miami

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

What does a person need to learn to get started?

Depends on who you talk to. We have been answering this question from practitioners eager to get started since 1971. Biofeedback is already a vast and growing scientific art form. Obviously, one who hopes to master it is learning throughout his career.
  • Acquire a comprehensive overview of the field.
  • Understand what additional training will be needed in order to achieve excellence and how to acquire that training.
  • Learn to operate equipment well enough to begin self training and the training of properly screened 'easy' clients.
  • Understand ethical and supervision issues.
  • Acquire enough training so that the potential practitioner can decide what equipment will serve their needs best.
Since 1971 we have brought professionals inexperienced in biofeedback to proficiency in short, inexpensive, intensive programs. As soon as the BCIA Certification Program was created we developed one of the most successful, time-tested and investment efficient BCIA Certification Training Programs in existence, and we are continuously improving it. We vigorously support the BCIA and urge everyone who can qualify to get certified as soon as it is practical.

More Info: neurofeedback training