Monday, 28 December 2020

Skin Conductance Biofeedback | Biofeedback Resources International

 Skin Conductance can be both one of the simplest yet one of the most complex modalities of biofeedback at the same time.  More stress, the reading goes up.  More relaxed, the reading goes down.  Simple, right?  Not so fast.  Make sure we are not actually talking about resistance measures which are exactly opposite from conductance.  Besides two opposite measures of conductance and resistance, we should also add skin potential.  When I was introduced to biofeedback way back in 1984, GSR or Galvanic Skin Response was the common feedback modality for monitoring changes based on sweat activity.  The readings in Ohms would go down when there was more sweat on the skin because resistance was decreasing and it would go up if the amount of sweat decreased because resistance was increasing.  The audio tone was reversed so that it went up when the subject was responding to something and got lower when they recovered or calmed down.

Besides the devices like the GSR-2, made by Thought Technology (still available), there was a GSR device that you could buy at that time from Radio Shack (no longer available). This was more of a toy than a serious biofeedback instrument.  Most of the more modern instruments use skin conductance measures instead of resistance.  They measure in units of mhos (ohms spelled backwards because conductance is the opposite of resistance – kind of silly to me).  This has sort of been replaced by a newer term, micro Siemens.  I know that this term honors Ernst Werner von Siemens, 20th-century electrical engineer and electrical researcher but it does make it more difficult to teach about skin conductance even to a group of adults much less a group of teenagers.  I always get some laughs when I say siemens.  I’ll just leave it at that.  You figure it out.

Now I will talk about using skin conductance biofeedback therapeutically.

Skin conductance can be a very powerful indicator of stress reactions.  For most people when they become stressed, the skin conductance level increases.  When they calm down the skin conductance level decreases.  It sounds simple; however, it is more complicated than that.  If you tell your clients that when skin conductance level increases that means that you are stressed, you are not being fully accurate.  Many things can cause skin conductance to increase that would not be considered a response to stress.  Here are a few.  The startle response, make a loud noise and skin conductance will rise as the nervous system responds to help you figure out what the source of the noise was and if it was dangerous.  Some people who are anxious or suffer from PTSD may have an exaggerated startle response but it is normal for skin conductance to increase after a loud noise.  How much it increases and how quickly it returns to baseline is more important than the fact that it increased.

Skin conductance responds to touch.  If you or someone else touches the person who is connected to skin conductance biofeedback the level will usually increase.  Although this can be a negative stress response because the person does not want to be touched it doesn’t have to be.  Similar to the startle response, the nervous system is alerted by the touch and signals the person to assess if the touch was dangerous or not.  If it is not then the skin conductance should return to baseline.  If the person interprets the touch as pleasant that can be another reason for a response.  The level tends to increase even if the subject touches their own skin read more...

Harry L. Campbell

914-762-4646 –

Author of What Stress Can Do, Available on

Biofeedback Resources International Corp.

Get More Info : Click Here : Skin Conductance Biofeedback | Biofeedback Resources International

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Stress and Sleep | Stress Minimizing Books | Biofeedback Training

Sleep problems including insomnia are an excellent application of Peripheral Biofeedback and EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback). They are also among the major symptoms caused by stress.  It is difficult to fall asleep while the body is tense or your brain and nervous system is in fight-fight-freeze (emergency) mode.  It is difficult to fall asleep if you close your eyes and your brain is still too busy.

Not getting enough sleep is a problem for between 28.5% – 41.1% of adults in the USA according to CDC 2014 statistics. The term they use is “short sleep duration”, defined as less than 7 hours of sleep per night for adults (see CDC – Data and Statistics – Sleep and Sleep Disorders).  People who have short sleep duration also have other health risks at a higher rate than others.  Some of these shared risks include obesity, physical inactivity, alcohol use, and smoking.  Short sleepers also reported these ten chronic disorders at a higher rate than those who get enough sleep:

  • Heart Attack
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Asthma
  • COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Diabetes

Teenagers need even more sleep, 8-10 hours per night.  A stunning two thirds of adolescents reported getting less than 8 hours.  This can easily be related to the high incidence of anxiety and attention issues in student populations.

“Not getting enough sleep can lead to motor vehicle crashes and mistakes at work, which cause a lot of injury and disability each year. Getting enough sleep is not a luxury—it is something people need for good health.” CDC – Sleep Home Page – Sleep and Sleep Disorders.

Enough with statistics and quotes let’s just talk common sense.  If the body, including the brain, needs sleep to restore energy, rest, and repair, doesn’t it make sense that if it isn’t getting it that there would be consequences? When this happens on a regular basis then it becomes chronic and compounds the problem.

EMG biofeedback can be used to help a person relax the muscles to get the body into a more physically relaxed state to promote sleep.  Heart Rate Variability biofeedback can help to calm and balance the autonomic nervous system which is more ideal for sleep. I often notice, during biofeedback sessions, that clients begin to yawn and become drowsy while doing the slow, paced breathing that goes along with HRV biofeedback.  I tell them to take note of that effect and suggest that they practice this kind of breathing before bedtime.  Most report that it helps them fall asleep.  EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) can be used to decrease fast wave activity – beta and high beta and increase mid-range SMR (Sensory Motor Rhythm) and slower waves Alpha and Theta to promote sleep.Improving sleep can be an important part of decreasing many physical and mental health symptoms and simply improving overall health and wellness as well as performance.

Harry L. Campbell

914-762-4646 –

Author of What Stress Can Do, Available on

Biofeedback Resources International Corp.

Get More Info : Click Here Stress Minimizing Books

Friday, 11 December 2020

BioFun Games | Biofeedback Resources International

BioFun is a newly released software add-on for BioGraph Infiniti, consisting in a series of video games and toy interfaces to help your clients become healthier by teaching strategies of self-regulation and developing voluntary control while having fun!

Travel the World

You are invited to participate in the “Fly around the World” competition; a prestigious hot air balloon race inspired by Jules Verne’s classic novel.

Control a balloon with your physiology and fly over famous cities such as Vancouver, Hong Kong, Moscow, Cairo, Paris, Montreal and New York. Do not limit yourself, fly up and reach the stars!

PhysioRacer – MyoRacer – NeuroRacer

Three variations on the same theme: you guide a craft in a path using your physiology. Choose a character: a race car driver, a spy flying a stealth plane, a submarine in a secret mission, a clown fish or even a super hero!

BioFun Toy Interface

Connect BioGraph to toys such as Raceways, electrical train or robots and use your physiology to control them.

BioFun contains ready-to-go screens for all our popular Suites (English only): EEG, Physiology, Z-Score, Rehab and Continence Suites.

Comprehensive instructions are provided to create your own screens and find new ways to use these games.

Physiology Suite

Train to relax or take control of your HRV while flying around the world in a balloon. Drive, fly or dive and boost up your engine using physiological control.

EEG Suite & Z-Score Mini-Suite

Train your brain with NeuroRacer – a fun and engaging racing game. Provides contingent, relevant feedback, as vehicle speed, track size and obstacles are directly controlled by EEG activity. Avoid obstacles and receive points in reward conditions, while discouraging artifacts and inhibit-band activity.

Rehab Suite & Continence Suite

Fly a balloon while working your muscles. Gain control over your muscles and movements while swimming like a fish, piloting a race car, or even flying like a super hero!

Buy Now :

Price : $ 150

Harry L. Campbell

914-762-4646 –

Author of What Stress Can Do, Available on

Biofeedback Resources International Corp.

Get More Info : Click Here Biofeedback Training Florida