Monday 22 July 2024

Is Certification necessary in order to become a practitioner?

 Technically no, at least not so far. In fact over 50% of practitioners are not certified and that includes some of the most successful in the field. Some of these uncertified practitioners could easily qualify for certification and some of them cannot.

Certification is a process, and fulfilling the requirements can take some time. The best strategy is to simply acquire the appropriate professional training such as the courses we offer, and simultaneously work on certification requirements. One does not get certified and then practice. The candidate gets started working with patients and then works down the certification requirements. We want to encourage all those who can qualify to go through the certification process. It can justify the cost and time from a marketing perspective alone.

What does a person need to learn to get started?

Depends on who you talk to. We have been answering this question from practitioners eager to get started since 1971. Biofeedback is already a vast and growing scientific art form. Obviously, one who hopes to master it is learning throughout his career.

  • Learning the basic traditional biofeedback or neurofeedback skills.
  • Acquire a comprehensive overview of the field.
  • Understand what additional training will be needed in order to achieve excellence and how to acquire that training.
  • Learn to operate equipment well enough to begin self training and the training of properly screened 'easy' clients.
  • Understand ethical and supervision issues.
  • Acquire enough training so that the potential practitioner can decide what equipment will serve their needs best.

Since 1971 we have brought professionals inexperienced in biofeedback to proficiency in short, inexpensive, intensive programs. As soon as the BCIA Certification Program was created we developed one of the most successful, time-tested and investment efficient BCIA Certification Training Programs in existence, and we are continuously improving it. We vigorously support the BCIA and urge everyone who can qualify to get certified as soon as it is practical.



Tuesday 9 July 2024

Another neuro-immune anomaly?

Following is another case history from one of the biggest rehabilitation hospitals in the US. A female meningenoma patient developed a pea-sized tumor which gradually grew to the size of a grape and then a plum. She underwent brain surgery and began rehabilitation because of neurological problems caused by the surgery. After several years the tumor reappeared and progressed to about the size of a plum again. She underwent another surgery. A number of years later the process repeated itself. The period of the three operations covered about fifteen years.

Sadly, the tumor reappeared for the fourth time and grew again to about the size of a grape and the patient was sent to the neurofeedback therapists at the hospital so that they could do the standard Traumatic Brain Injury protocol with her. They were hoping to improve her social skills and ability to initiate an action. The NFB therapists primarily employed a high frequency (beta) strategy with theta inhibit over the frontal lobes. They also did about three months of beta training over the site of the tumor. When they sent her for her pre op exam the neurologist was amazed to see that the tumor growth had apparently stopped.

This brought great relief because both the neurologist and the surgeon did not believe she would survive another operation; and if she did survive it they were sure she would be severely neurologically impaired. The neurologist said that they would look at her again in a year. Her family was euphoric because they had feared the worst. As of this writing she is stable and her next exam should be in about six months. So far, so good.

The trouble started when her mother began inquiring into what had been done this time that might have caused a better outcome. When she found out that the only thing different was the NFB she speculated that the NFB might be causing changes that had slowed the tumor growth and that continued NFB might even reduce tumor size. Naturally, she petitioned the neurologist and neurosurgeon to continue NFB with the patient. The neurologist asked the NFB therapist to do a literature search to see if anything like this had been reported and when it was clear that it had not he said that the whole idea was too absurd and in any case it was too experimental so he ordered NFB therapy terminated.

The mother was furious but unable to persuade them to change their minds. The neuro surgeon would not even return the therapist’s phone calls. There was so much resistance by the administration (neurologist and neurosurgeon) that the NFB therapists felt their jobs were in jeopardy. In fact, because of this episode and other similar conflicts, the neuropsychologist who set up and ran the entire NFB operation (at considerable profit to the hospital) has left and established a private practice nearby. There was apparently tremendous anger over the idea that the NFB therapists had suggested that NFB might have contributed to the stabilization of (or in any way effected) the tumor growth. To emphasize their point all tumor patients at the hospital are prohibited from NFB regardless of the reason (i.e., relaxation, education, rehabilitation, cognitive dysfunction, stroke, etc.). The mother is trying to find a way to continue NFB. It will be interesting to see what happens to the tumor and the patient from here on out.

More Info : neurofeedback training New York

Wednesday 3 July 2024

DAVID Delight Plus


The DAVID Delight Plus is an innovative portable hand-held device that offers a non-pharmaceutical approach to wellness using Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) technology. By using flashing lights and pulsing tones, the Delight Plus provides a non-invasive way to achieve peak mental and physical well-being

DAVID Delight Plus Explainer Video

Research shows that AVE can effectively and quickly dissociate, guide the brain into various brainwave states, increase neurotransmitter production, and increase cerebral blood flow.

The Delight Plus sessions are supported by the most current research studies in the areas of stress reduction, insomnia, improved mood, mental sharpness and balance (reduced risk of falling) in seniors, and reduced worry, Seasonal Affective Disorder, improvements in concentration and memory in college students. The Delight Plus sessions also include our proprietary randomization process, which helps encourage dissociation and brain frequency tracking to the stimulus, to ensure you the best results.

The Delight Plus features 28 sessions (five sessions in each of the following categories plus 3 gamma sessions in the user-designed category – see description below):

  • Energize
  • Meditate
  • Brain Booster
  • Sleep
  • Feeling Better

Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) is a technique that utilizes pulses of light and sound at specific frequencies to gently and safely guide the brain into various brain wave patterns. By altering your brain wave frequencies, you have the ability to boost your mood, improve sleep patterns, sharpen your mind, and increase your level of relaxation, all with the simple push of a button! AVE also increases brain health by increasing cerebral blood flow and stimulating beneficial neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and endorphins.

More Info :  DAVID Delight Plus