Friday, 31 March 2023

APA Continuing Education | APA Continuing Education Credit, Georgia

The American Psychological Association administers a program to provide credits for psychologists that are required by some states to maintain their licenses.  There are some topics like ethics, that might seem not to be very interesting to some people but are important and required.  There are also other topics that psychologists might find of personal interest like learning a new skill or testing method.

APA continuing education training is available in different formats which have pros and cons.

Books, newsletters, and articles are low tech and may be considered old-school.  They are also low cost, simple, and you can go at your own pace for the most part.  After you read the material you take an exam to make sure that you comprehend it.

Online and video on demand courses offer a higher tech experience than books, newsletters, and articles.  Online courses can provide interaction between instructor and students as well as use of graphics, video, live image of instructor, and audio.  This can make the experience much more engaging.  Although on demand courses do not provide live interaction with the instructor since the material is pre-recorded they do provide a similar higher tech experience with graphics video, and audio, etc.

The other types of APA continuing education training that are available are workshops and seminars.  These are programs that are usually conducted in groups at a central location where people attend from various places.  These can be sessions that are planned and take place at venues like hotel and convention center meeting rooms.  They may be individual events or they may be part of a conference.  National or regional organizations like the APA, state psychology chapters, or other non-psychology organizations like the AAPB (Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback), ISNR (International Society for Neurofeedback and Research), NRBS (Northeast Regional Biofeedback Society) each of which include members who are psychologists, often offer sessions that offer APA Continuing Education Credit, Arizona  These sessions tend to cost more than the formats previously discussed.  The tuition is higher, you may also need to pay to attend a conference, and there are the travel and hotel expenses.  On the other side you also get to learn along with other like-minded people.  The other students often add to your learning experience.  Comments, questions, and teamwork can enhance the learning process.  You also get live interaction with the instructor and all types of graphics, video, and audio can be included.  Physical props can add to the experience and group exercises can make the material even more meaningful.

Get More Info : APA Continuing Education | APA Continuing Education Credit, Georgia

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Neurofeedback Training and Brain Plasticity


The brain is truly an amazing organ that science is uncovering new information about every day.

Our brains are involved in virtually every function of our bodies both conscious and unconscious.  To move our arms, stand, dance, speak, or remember we actively use our brains.  Digestion, breathing, pulse rate, blood pressure, and blinking are things that we don’t even have to think about.  Our brains take care of regulating these functions.

  It used to be thought that after maturity no real change happened in the brain.  The thought was that we are stuck with whatever we have.  More recent science shows that the brain can change.  Things like chronic stress can cause negative physical changes in the brain.  Things like studying a musical instrument, a new language or other skill can cause positive changes in the brain.

Neurofeedback training Florida is a method of using technology to measure the electrical signals produced by the brain as neurons communicate, and feeding back that information in order to train the brain to make positive changes.  The electrical signals are measured via small sensors placed on the scalp.  These sensors connect to an instrument that connects to a computer.  The signals are processed and displayed in the form of line graphs, bar graphs, and digital displays.  The process uses goals that are set to either encourage increasing or decreasing the power of certain frequencies ie theta, alpha, beta.  When the goals are met feedback is given to alert the trainee that their brain is in the desired state.  The feedback can take the form of a light turning on or changing color, an animation, movie, or game playing, or a sound or music playing.  This feedback is reinforcing to the brain and encourages the brain to repeat what it just did to get the feedback.

Neurofeedback training is being used in addition to other therapies to help people with symptoms related to sleep, stress, attention, emotional issues, trauma, learning difficulties, and substance abuse.

It can also be used to help people who want to perform better by helping them to be more relaxed and focused.  This can help with performance in sports, music, academics, or business.

Get More Info : Biofeedback Training Houston

Friday, 17 March 2023

Biofeedback Training Houston | Professional EEG Neurofeedback


This competency based curriculum includes practical, easily learnable strategies which may be used with virtually all of the most common EEG Neurofeedback applications. Designed to give the practitioner the knowledge and tools needed in order to rapidly achieve clinical and economic success in EEG Neurofeedback, this program emphasizes those neurofeedback adjunctive applications for which there is the greatest demand, including but not limited to: ADD / ADHD / Conduct Disorder & other Learning disabilities, Autism Disorders, Substance Abuse, eating disorders and addictive behaviors, PTSD, Multiple Personality Disorder, Depression, Behavioral and Stress Related Disorders, Anxiety / Panic Attacks, Pain Management, Chronic Pain, headaches (Migraine and Tension), RSD, Fibromyalgia, Phantom Limb etc., Adult and childhood sleep disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke Rehabilitation, Dementia (non-Alzheimer’s), Epilepsy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and MindFitness® Life / Performance Enhancement.

Includes demonstrations and hands-on training on the most popular, versatile, cost effective, reliable and well supported EEG neurofeedback systems made as well as introductions to neurocardiology (Hear Rate Variability), Temperature, EMG and other complementary modalities, lively dialogues, case histories and the information you need in order to select the right equipment for your circumstances.

More Info Click Here:  Biofeedback Training Houston 

Related More Info : Biofeedback Training Houston | Professional EEG Neurofeedback

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Neurofeedback Training for Concussions


Concussions happen in many ways including sports and motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, military blast injuries, and physical assaults.  Effective treatment methods are limited.  Because a concussion involves an injury to the brain, it makes sense that therapies should involve the brain.  Neurofeedback training is a therapy that helps to regulate dysfunctional activity in the brain that might be causing symptoms.

When the brain operates it produces electric impulses that can be measured by neurofeedback instruments.  These instruments then display the information from various parts of the brain.  If the information shows that the brain is not functioning normally, the software can encourage the brain to go back to functioning in a more effective way.  With this neurofeedback training symptoms tend to resolve.

In their book, Conquering Concussion, Healing TBI Symptoms with Neurofeedback and Without Drugs, Mary Lee Esty, Ph.D., and C.M. Shifflett talk about this in-depth.  Here is a list of symptoms that they include in their book that brain injuries can cause: headaches, impulsivity, fatigue, confusion, memory problems, slowed thinking, focus, insomnia, anxiety, anger, explosiveness, phobias, dizziness, mood swings, indecision, concentration, light sensitivity, slow speech, depression, nightmares, and risk-taking.

Neurofeedback training is non-invasive.  It uses electrodes or sensors that are placed on the scalp either individually or with a cap or headset.  The sensors only measure activity coming from the brain.  No electricity is introduced into the brain through the electrodes.  There are some exceptions to this.  Some forms of neurofeedback use CES – cranial electrical stimulation which puts a mild electrical current into the head or Electro-Magnetic stimulation which introduces a magnetic field into the head.  When you are researching neurofeedback training, equipment, or therapy you should ask questions about what method is being used and if it is non-invasive or not.

Get More Info :  Neurofeedback Training for Concussions

Thursday, 9 March 2023

What is Biofeedback, Neurofeedback and Applied Psychophysiology?


"Wonderful opportunity. Positive learning environment. Technically on target, practical, good depth. I appreciated inclusion of theoretical and philosophical discussion. Super learning experience." - Dick A. Genardi, Ph.D., Director Behavioral Health Associates, Inc.,Dayton, Ohio

There have been scores of books written on Biofeedback, Neurofeedback and Applied Psychophysiology. We introduce you to those we feel are the best and most relevant of them through our training,website etc. New books for the general public and several for professionals have been published recently. Most of the focus at present is on Neurofeedback because it is the most dramatic and fastest growing type of biofeedback. One of those books is our own, MINDFITNESS TRAINING: Neurofeedback and The Process.

There have been thousands of scientific studies in this field - many of them published in the most refereed journals in their respective disciplines. Some world class scientists, practitioners and neurophilosophers believe that biofeedback and neurofeedback discoveries rank among the most important technological, educational and medical breakthroughs of the last several centuries. If you consider that self-knowledge and heuristic (self) learning are generally considered to be the most important skills most human beings can develop, then it is easy to understand why biofeedback is receiving so much attention.

The simplest explanation is that biofeedback is the use of instrumentation to feed back information about the psychophysiology (mind and body) of a human being to him or herself. Given this information most individuals can increase their control (self-regulation) of whatever activity is being monitored. Things begin to get exciting when we look into the implications of these extraordinary levels of control and what the benefits are to those learning these high levels of self-regulation.

Get More Info :  What is Biofeedback, Neurofeedback and Applied Psychophysiology?