Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Human Physiology | Biofeedback Nyc

Biosource Software offers a $150 self-paced Human Physiology online didactic course that fulfills BCIA’s Anatomy and Physiology requirement for Biofeedback certification.

If you are pursuing Neurofeedback certification, you will need our Physiological Psychology course, instead.

Since your time is valuable, this course focuses on the topics important for biofeedback professionals.

Disclaimer: To keep these products affordable, they do not provide AMA or APA continuing education credit.

Based on the leading Human Physiology (15th ed.) textbook by Fox, this course covers:

Chapter 1: The Study of Body Function
Chapter 2: Chemical Composition of the Body
Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Genetic Control
Chapter 4: Enzymes and Energy
Chapter 5: Cell Respiration and Metabolism
Chapter 6: Interactions Between Cells and the Extracellular Environment
Chapter 7: The Nervous System
Chapter 8: The Central Nervous System
Chapter 9: The Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 10: Sensory Physiology
Chapter 11: Endocrine Glands
Chapter 12: Muscle
Chapter 13: Blood, Heart and Circulation
Chapter 14: Cardiac Output, Blood Flow, and Blood Pressure
Chapter 15: The Immune System
Chapter 16: Respiratory Physiology
Chapter 17: Physiology of the Kidneys
Chapter 18: The Digestive System
Chapter 19: Regulation of Metabolism
Chapter 20: Reproduction

Related Products for BCIA Biofeedback Certification

Biofeedback Tutor is an online multimedia tutorial that provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review of biofeedback for BCIA certification preparation and professional education. Biofeedback Tutor satisfies 42 hours of didactic credit, including 3 hours of Professional Standards credit, for BCIA’s Biofeedback certification. $125.

Biofeedback100 is a multiple choice testing service that provides an up-to-date and extensive review of the Blueprint for the BCIA Certification Exam in Biofeedback. Biosource Software has developed a professionally-written question pool that exceeds 500 questions and is based on the current BCIA Blueprint of Knowledge and Core Reading List. $75.

More Info :  Biofeedback Nyc

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

NEUROFEEDBACK100 | Neurofeedback training in person


Software: NEUROFEEDBACK100: Developed by Biosource Software, this web-based service provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review for the BCIA Certification Exam in Biofeedback. It allows you to take 20-question exams and receive immediate feedback. The question pool exceeds 400 questions and is revised quarterly.

Neurofeedback100 provides an up-to-date and extensive review of the Blueprint for the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) Exam in Neurofeedback for $125.

The BioSource Advantage
Neurofeedback100 focuses on the topics important for neurofeedback professionals and delivers unmatched value. This testing service was designed by a veteran Biological Psychologist and provides best-of-class assessment using ClassMarker. All BioSource products are continually updated to incorporate new research findings.

Comprehensive Test Bank
BioSource Software has developed a professionally-written question pool that exceeds 40 exams and 500 questions and is based on the current BCIA Blueprint of Knowledge and Core Reading List. These questions are updated every quarter. Please note that this product is a testing service and not a tutorial course.

For successful exam preparation, we recommend that you study the BCIA Core Reading List, enroll in a BCIA-accredited didactic education program, and regularly evaluate your progress by taking our exams.

This testing service reviews content from Biofeedback: A Practitioner’s Guide (2016) edited by Schwartz and Andrasik, Introduction to Neurofeedback (2020) by Anderson and Shaffer, Evidence-Based Practice in Biofeedback and Neurofeedback (2016) by Tan, Shaffer, Lyle, and Teo, Getting Started with Neurofeedback (2019) by Demos, Psychophysiology (2007) by Andreassi, Technical Foundations of Neurofeedback (2014) by Collura, and The Neurofeedback Book (2016) by Michael and Lynda Thompson.

More Info :  NEUROFEEDBACK100 | Neurofeedback training in person

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Introduction to Neurofeedback | Neurofeedback Seminar

 Introduction to Neurofeedback covers 18-hours of the BCIA Neurofeedback Blueprint to prepare you for BCIA’s Neurofeedback exam and provide you with 18 BCIA continuing education hours for $295.

We designed this online multimedia tutorial to provide an overview of the field before you significantly invest in equipment and a full didactic training program without knowing more about the underlying neuroscience concepts.

Introduction to Neurofeedback is a powerful study guide that carefully reviews the most challenging sections of the BCIA Neurofeedback Blueprint to help professionals review for BCIA’s Neurofeedback Certification exam.

For BCIA Biofeedback and HRV Biofeedback certificants, Introduction to Neurofeedback provides 18 hours of BCIA-accredited continuing education including 2 hours of Professional Standards for partial fulfillment of the CE required for recertification. This product does not replace a 36-hour BCIA didactic workshop. 

More Info : Introduction to Neurofeedback | Neurofeedback Seminar

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

ZUKOR MEDIA | Eeg Biofeedback Device


The Zukor Media Player provides clinicians the ultimate choice, flexibility and features for using all types of media for patient feedback training.

The Zukor Media Player can handle video, audio and still images in all common file formats and also directly from DVDs and CDs. It also has a built-in fractal generator and kaleidoscope. And, as an upgrade feature, YouTube videos can be used.

The Zukor Media Player offers more than 25 types of high-quality feedback, from simple Play/Pause, Volume Up/Down, Pixelate and Zoom Out to more visually striking, such as Bubbles, Double Vision, Snow and Vortex.

The Zukor Media Player allows the clinician to use from 1 to 16 events to drive an equal number of visual effects or audio feedback sounds. It works with all modalities of neurofeedback and biofeedback, including Z-Score.

More Info :  ZUKOR MEDIA | Eeg Biofeedback Device

Sunday, 2 February 2025

ZUKOR GRIND | Biofeedback Nyc


 Zukor’s Grind is a next-generation feedback game for use in neurofeedback and biofeedback designed by professional game developers under the guidance of clinical practitioners.

Zukor’s Grind benefits neurofeedback and biofeedback clinicians by giving them an unprecedented level of control of the patient feedback experience to increase both training efficacy and patient retention.

Zukor’s Grind youth-oriented graphics and skateboarding theme are perfect for use with teens, pre-teens and young adults, or anyone that is young at heart.

 More Product Info Click Here : ZUKOR GRIND | Biofeedback Nyc

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

ZUKOR CARNIVAL | Biofeedback Nyc

 Zukor’s Carnival is not a single game, but rather ten games in one. The games are based upon the simple, classic games featured in carnivals, state fairs and amusement parks. Since carnival games are familiar across all age groups and cultures, Zukor’s Carnival has a broad appeal that makes it useful for all ages of men, women and children around the world.

Zukor’s Carnival games each have a simple gameplay dynamic, but implemented with stunning graphics and subtle game sounds, plus a broad range of clinician customizable options relevant for neuro and biofeedback training. Its scoring system includes optional point-based game unlocking whereby a patient can not proceed to the next game until a predefined number of points are reached.

Zukor’s Carnival fun, high-quality, games are perfect for all types of feedback training and will be enjoyed by all your patients. 

More Info :  ZUKOR CARNIVAL | Biofeedback Nyc

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

ZUKOR DRIVE | APA Continuing Education Credit

Zukor’s Drive is an advanced feedback game which offers gameplay from very relaxed to extremely intense, or any point in between. It is designed for clinical neurofeedback or biofeedback training and, with an upgrade, for peak performance training.
 Zukor’s Drive standard “Clinical Version” offers a solo or dual drive modes, plus an unique doppelgänger option in which the patient competes against their own past performance. It includes 15 diverse vehicles and 5 high-quality tracks.

Zukor’s Drive “Peak Performance Upgrade” features additional more intense riving modes (chase, race and others), more chaotic tracks and more extreme vehicles. It can also be used to add variety to Clinical Version.

Zukor’s Drive also includes all the standard features of Zukor feedback games, such as profiles, scores, auditory feedback, period/session length presets and more. It is Zukor Interactive’s most ambitious feedback game and is certain to focus your clinical patients and engage those undergoing peak performance training.

More Info Click Here :  ZUKOR DRIVE | APA Continuing Education Credit